Tuesday, April 16, 2013

First Walk of Spring

Dear Readers!  Today, neither weather, schedule nor laziness got in my way and I walked!  Yay!  Buc and I started at the Norris Youth Softball Complex off Tennessee Ave.  I believe this area was flooded out in 2008, but many homes are still here.  I noticed many empty lots where structures apparently used to stand.  I walked South across State street and up behind St. James ELCA.  There were quite a few people out walking dogs, sitting in the sun, talking with neighbors and coming home from school. Spring is springing.

Homes ranged in size from small to large.  Some were new and some were old.    This seems like an area of Mason City with quite a bit of diversity in socio-economic status, based on the age of cars, the state of siding. roofing and paint, as well as landscaping or lack thereof.

As I walked I tried to pray but my mind kept wandering.  Mostly I asked for guidance, comfort and care for the people of Mason City.  You can check out the route, pictures and some of my exercise stats by clicking the link below.

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