Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Still Walking River City????

As I have been finishing up my project of prayer walking the neighborhoods of Mason City, I have also been prayerfully considering where to take this project next.  After all, walking is something I do regularly.  My dog and I need it, but the intentional prayer practice is running out of new places to visit.  People assure me that I should keep at it (they claim there can never be too much prayer.), but finding a format or "purposed" schedule hasn't been so simple.

At a recent church event, I was invited to participate in a new "Walking Moai"  as part of the Blue Zones Project which aims at getting Mason City to be a healthier place for people to live.  This means that I have a scheduled walking group every Tuesday night.  Rather than walking neighborhoods, this group intends to walk park trails. There is also a new project for my church which I intend to start this summer which will involve, I think, a lot of time on the sidewalks of Mason City.  I am going to shift my walking prayer practice over to these two activities.  What I would like to ask of you, my readers, is prayer in support of making those two activities intentional, Spiritual development.  I believe many of you and many who know I am walking truly value this practice, and I want to keep at it.

This will mean that I will need to overcome some shyness and ask other people to participate in making this blog more personal.  Asking them if I can share their pictures and stories here.  Asking them to participate in this practice of praying for Mason City.  There will probably be less posts about "I wonder what is going on here?" and more posts about the actual who and what inhabit the spaces I will walk in.  I hope that you have enjoyed my tour of the neighborhoods of Mason City and my conjectures and insights as they have arisen.  I look forward to a slightly different, but hopefully deeper engagement with Mason City, its people and its places over the next few months.

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