Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Phone

This walk marks a jump up in technology.  I used a new phone app called mapmywalk to record my walk using the GPS in my phone.  I took the picture below with my phone as well.  This walk was in an intriguing neighborhood.  There were Southwest mission style homes side-by-side with these Bavarian style homes.  There were small one story homes next to sprawling Victorians.  Many streets here ended in dead ends and a couple of them were diagonal streets.  Between the river and the railroad tracks, this neighborhood lacks all conformity in layout.

I was quite agitated when I started this walk, but the brisk temperature and a focus on the prayer "Please guide and watch over us," seemed to help a lot.  I stopped fretting about the little scheduling and professional obligations that were buzzing around my head.  Two things really stood out about this part of Mason City.
1.  There were a noticeable number of multifamily homes here-duplexes and apartments.
2. Many homes throughout this section of town are listed as for sale.  There were some wonderfully unique homes and yards here.  Also, many of the streets were quiet and secluded.  Though close to State Street and 4th St., one could get away from all the noise here.

I thought I had taken more photos with my phone, but the one above was the only one.  Also, it looks like importing the map to the blog is pretty simple.  The other great thing about using this system was that I got feedback on distance, calories spent and elevation change for the walk.  I look forward to truly integrating the technology with the experience.

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