Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Good and Blessed

Brr! What a cold day to decide to get back into the action! I walked a pattern between 11th St. NE and 7th St. NE between North Carolina Ave. and Virginia Ave., and it was snowing the whole way.  It was also extremely slippery in places, where last week's melt had frozen and was newly dusted with snow.  I will have to remember my Yak Trax the next time I head out.  This is a beautiful part of Mason City.  Along the River, there are lots of trees and the streets roll up and down and wind a little.  The houses were the usual mix of humble and chic, large and small, old, new, and unique.  As you can see from this yard, bird watching seems to be a fairly popular pastime.

There was enough snow over the last few weeks to support this HUGE snowman.

Also odd, on this walk, was this pile of frozen fish in the road.  Might be a great short story starter

The following pictures were taken along streets that were flooded in 2008, and almost all of these homes have been condemned and bought by the City.  A Catholic grace from my childhood played in my mind throughout this walk:  "Bless us, O Lord, and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord.  Amen."  I know at least one family that lost its home and many belongings in this flood that found a neighborhood and a home that it likes better, and for those that are still landing somewhere and recovering from the losses evidenced here, I pray for restitution and greater blessings still.  

The Egloff House is the white house in the far back.  An architectural  "gem" which may be moved rather than demolished
Towards the end of my walk, a friend beeped her horn at me.  "What are you doing here?" she exclaimed.  I told her I was prayer walking.  She pointed out her house, and I said, "Well, we just came up that block, so you should be good and blessed."  We laughed a little and both decided to get out of the cold.

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