Saturday, January 19, 2013

He Watches Over Every Step You Take

Have you ever had a hard time praying?  Sometimes, it is hard to "get in the mood."  It is difficult to "clear enough space."  Today was that kind of day.  The weather is still cold, but there is a warmish feel to it.  Water is running under the snow and seeping up from the ground.  The weather is restless and achy.  So was my soul.  So, when I was driving to my intended walking route, I was feeling restless, achy and edgy.  While looking for a good place to park my car, I began to feel uneasy.  The neighborhood area I had chosen to walk seemed empty, deserted and ominous.   When the most likely looking spot to park turned out to be hidden from view behind some trees, I decided that discretion being the better part of valor, that I would walk in a different area.

That led me to N. Virginia, and N. Kentucky Ave, 9th-12th St. NE.  The first thing that greeted me on getting out of the car were two joggers and two walkers all out with their dogs.  This was a better place to walk on a day like today.  Yet, I still was not really ready to pray.  So, I put in my earphones, started my Sons of Korah album and walked the Psalms.  

This is a great neighborhood.  One of the things I truly love about Iowa is a lack of pretension and arrogance.  There are very few "mansions" here in Mason City.  Usually, the only sign of "affluence" that will stand out is new sidewalk cement and a very straight retaining wall.  People don't seem to advertise their success with new cars, R. Lauren tags, or monstrously large homes; and then, every once in a while, you will stumble across a truly unique home, like this one on N. Rhode Island.

It has a wavy roof and a rock facade.  Next to the little white farmhouses next door, it is pretty fascinating. Maybe someone who lives here in town knows about this house.  I really like the blue accents.  In the Southwest, a blue door traditionally denotes welcome.

By the end of my walk, I was singing and praying.  Psalms were running under my steps and Buc and I were breathing the soft air.  The Psalm that most stood out for this walk was Psalm 121.  "He watches over you.  He will not slumber.  The Lord who watches over Israel will not sleep."


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