Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year

I am not generally a person who makes New Year's resolutions, as I am usually pretty pleased with my life.  Unfortunately, I have hit a wall in my will power over the last few months and have not successfully gotten myself out to pray and walk.

So  . . . New year and new resolution: I will get back into a regular walking and praying routine.  I am going to aim for 2 prayer walks in a week.  No excuses.  As I run into some of you readers regularly, I hope that you will continue to hold me accountable.

And for those of you who live far away, please feel free to send comments and questions my way.  I still have quite a few neighborhoods to walk, though I have succeeded in praying for many homes, streets and businesses here in Mason City.  This has been a great Spiritual practice as well as a wonderful way for my dog and me to stay young and fit.  I am not better off for my time being too "busy" or too "lazy" to get out and do this thing.

I hope and pray that each of you had a great holiday season and that the upcoming weeks will find you happy, healthy, and wise.

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