Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lenten Journey

For anyone familiar with Iowa winters, it will come as no surprise that I have not been walking River City at all for the last several months. Cold does not truly begin to describe the weather here. Beyond that, my old dog has gotten noticeably older (2 miles is just more than he can handle), and I have to admit that there has been some grief at work, keeping us warm and loungy inside.  However, Spring seems to have flashed us the hem of her garment.  What's more, today marks the first Sunday in Lent, and I am in need of some restoration. So . . . back to prayer walking it is.

But I cannot truly set out again until I first get my gear in order. That means that I am going to spend the first week of this new journey standing still, viewing the land, scouting the way, and readying my body for the first steps. For this first week then, my walk will be an inward journey.

Today, I will start walking with Luke from chapter 19 through chapter 24, which is fitting as it concludes with the walk to Emmaus. At the end of that trail, I will stop. I will sit, and I will listen to the sound of my own breathing. Wish me luck.

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