Thursday, March 20, 2014

Keep on Movin'

So, a cliché: life is a journey. Something we say a lot, as a way to mark time passing and the realization that we are unsure of how we got from the place we started in this life to the place we currently find ourselves. Yet, another dimension of the journey metaphor is an idea that life doesn't stop. Often, when we simply want to sleep in, we can't. When we wish that something will last forever, or when we are struck by falling rocks, it seems it could be simpler just to stop walking right then and there. But, life keeps moving on, despite our will.

It can get tiring, all of this movement. As I have been marking that inward journey this season, I have found it helpful to lean into the exodus verses: all of the Biblical stories, models and wisdom that focus on the idea that God's people are a moving people. They do not stand still. They do not have homes, beds, nations, statuses and roles which are fixed, but instead live in motion.

What do you think it means to be an exodus people? How do you find home when home is not to be defined by a particular place or a particular time? Who keeps you connected when your family and friends are strung up and down the mountain trail?

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