Wednesday, November 2, 2011

El día de los muertos

We started our walk from Frederick Hanford Park today.  We zigzagged the streets North of 23rd St. SW between Monroe and Madison Avenues.  I really liked this neighborhood a lot.  The streets were surprisingly busy, with many cars passing us even on the smaller residential streets.  Also, we saw lots of dogs and dog owners.  One of the things that I noticed were all of the yards with Halloween decorations.  It turns out that I even know one of the people that live in this house:
Halloween is my favorite holiday, hands down, and I really thought this neighborhood had decorated in a fun way.  Although I see lots of houses decorated for fall with pumpkins, corn, and gourds, there seemed to be a high concentration of really "spooky" houses here.  It made me think these would be fun neighbors.

Another thing that I enjoyed about this part of town, was that all of the houses seemed to be kind of laid back but well cared for.  Rather than some of the more mansion-like grooming or the faded glory of aging Victorians, these were mostly ranch or split level homes, and we saw little sign of damaged roofs, broken windows, or sagging eaves.  It made me imagine that this is a snug, secure neighborhood where people don't take themselves too seriously.  I did have to chuckle as we turned a corner and came across a house festooned with angels.  It contrasted starkly with the gravestones and creepy-crawlies decorating many of the other yards in the area.

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