Monday, September 12, 2011

A Tenth and Not a Tithe

I met my walking partner at 3:30 at Roosevelt School.  There were children, buses, and parents everywhere.  As we walked, we saw other people out with their dogs, sitting on porches and enjoying the sunlight.  It was a truly beautiful day in Mason City with a strong breeze and a burning sky. 
This is a neighborhood made up of small, rectangular homes-most single story and with painted siding.  One house stood out because its windows and front yard had been transformed into a memorial for a person named Zach.  I debated whether or not to photograph this house.  When does noticing become an invasion of privacy?  When does not noticing become apathy and indifference?  Finally I decided to take a picture and a strange thing happened to the aperture on my camera.  Here is the house, framed by shadows.  I hope and pray the family here is experiencing healing and an alleviation of grief. 

View Prayer Walk 10 in a larger map

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