Monday, September 19, 2011

Eleventh Hour

I was again walking the neighborhoods near Roosevelt School.  This time I walked the area East and South of the school between 15th and 21st Streets, Pennsylvania to South Carolina Avenues.  This neighborhood really welcomed me.  Unlike many schools, Roosevelt is not locked up and covered with "Stay Away" signs.  Instead, the random walker is welcomed to enjoy the school grounds and play equipment.   Buc and I broke the rules a little, so I could take a picture of this sign-a sign of welcome and invitation.  Not a sign of prohibition and discouragement.
Fairytale House

One of the things that seems to be characteristic of streets and neighborhoods in Mason City is a nice blending of squared streets and curved streets.  I have seen quite a few houses situated diagonally to the roads, houses that follow the curves of the streets and some that are shaped in interesting ways to sit on funny-shaped lots.
Very Proper Barn House 
Build on around the Bend

The transitions from very boxy neighborhoods into squiggly streets and wavy roads are as natural as the land itself.  This is not something I have seen in many other places.  In my opinion, it adds a lot of character to the town.

There was a sense of joy and contentment in today's walk.  People stopped their work to greet us, and one man even took the time to pet Buc and invite him to make himself at home in the yard.  I saw many conversations happening today: a construction crew, two men painting a house, neighbors exchanging greetings, a small child running down the sidewalk, bikes, scooters, and yard chairs. 

The last leg of today's walk took me down by Waste Management, Iron House Gym and extensive construction on 19th St. SE/255th St.  
Trucks, Culverts, Railroad Tracks and Telephone Pols

And pretty little garbage trucks all in a row.


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