Monday, July 20, 2015

Another Manic Monday

I had the best walk this morning! I have been recovering from a cold, so I decided to take it easy, and did not get out and about until around 10 or so. On a side street, I ran into a tree-trimming operation. I have often wondered how to remove a tree from a back yard when there is no room for a truck there. It turns out, it involves a crane. 

Then, the sidewalk ended, and a path led through some trees past some balloons toward a red barn. I imagine that yard belongs to people who have a gift for celebrations and surprises. So many people I saw on my walk waved or offered an easy hello.

Each house offers some unique face to the neighborhood. I find this refreshing after living the last 8 years in Mason City and Ames where the houses and yards conform a little bit more. I really, really like diversity. It provides so much opportunity for story-telling.

The last leg of my walk this morning included a conversation with a pre-school worker, a stroller full of babies, and a neighbor who has lived here for 20 years and was happy to share with me some information about the families who live nearby.

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