Monday, June 29, 2015

New Town, Renewed Purpose

The moving has ended, so the unpacking begins. Thanks to Bishop Julius Calvin Trimble, my family and I have moved to Iowa City, Iowa. A new chapter of prayerwalking begins. I have been out of the habit of prayerwalking. It will be good to get back into it. 

I thought I should pray while opening boxes and planning my kitchen and bathroom layouts, but I have honestly been too grumpy to focus.

This move will be a move of more than just physical location. It will also be a relocation into a new spiritual home. I am not sure how well I am going to do, but I intend to enter back into the world. I have been hearing a call to Spiritual leadership, to faith sharing and the creation of some innovation on the idea of religious association. In order to do that, I have to let go of the rail. I have to let go of the ready-social life that the church can provide. I have to hit the streets and meet some strangers.

Luckily, I have a good friend who is going to join me. I have the support of loving people underneath me, and I have a vision calling me forward. I hope you will enjoy this next leg of my journey, as I begin Walking Iowa City.

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