Thursday, July 19, 2012

Walking in the Rain

Just went walking in Akron, OH.  I was looking for the towpath of the Erie Canal.  Did you know that was in Akron, OH?  I didn't.  So I set out, singing "I've gotta mule, her name is Sal . . . " looking for the walking, biking, hiking trail that follows the path of the Ohio and Erie Canal.  I saw dark clouds, but dark clouds have been withholding their promise all summer, so I kept walking.  I got to a trailhead, and the rain started.  Suddenly, I had a decision to make: turn around or keep going?  I will likely never again have a chance to walk along the Erie Canal, and I was going to get wet no matter what, so I kept walking, and it was beautiful.  The rain, warm and soft falling, squelching through my shoes, dripping down my back out of my hair and into my eyes.  It was miraculous.  We have been praying for rain in the dry places of our country.   Northern Illinois and Indiana were swaths of gold, where there should have been rows of green.  And so I was thankful to the sky.  I switched my song to "Singin' In the Rain," followed by "'Til the Clouds Roll By."

I also learned that vulcanization and therefore rubber was invented in Akron, OH, as well as the zipper.  We stayed in a hotel which was converted oat silos.  Life is always ready to hand a person the unexpected.

Quaker Square (converted oat silo)
Faces and dials

Steam Punk?
Headed to the elevator

The Ohio and Erie Canal from a covered bridge
 Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal (though probably only about .5 miles)

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