Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ride Share

Today, I was sharing my vehicle with another person.  That means I was not able to load up my dog and head to a new neighborhood for walking,  but the weather was truly gorgeous.  The sun was shining and the air was warm.  There was no breeze.  It was a perfect day for walking.  I decided I needed to think outside my own box.  I loaded my new Sons of Korah album on my iPod, grabbed Buc and headed out the door.  As luck would have it, my destination was about 2 miles from home.

Walking past the hospital, I was walking through neighborhoods I have prayed over before, but I decided that if praying once is good, praying twice can't be bad.  The music in my ears was an album of Psalms starting with "By the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept . . . " a song that asks how we are to sing when we are far away from home.  By the end of the album, the songs are celebrating the return of the exiles from Babylon.

I passed people coming home from work or heading about town on business.  The joy of the music and the beautiful weather spilled onto my face and into my steps.  I am sure I looked extremely silly, practically skipping down the sidewalk, mouth lolling open in a grin, flying behind a big black dog with one white paw.  Sometimes, joy is like that.  I hope it left its traces on the houses and businesses I passed.


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