Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eight Is Enough

Today's walk was around one of the newer neighborhoods in Mason City, 14th St. SE off of Quail Ave.  I met my walking partner for the first time.  She was very excited to be "doing something."  We started our walk with a prayer for Christ's presence and opportunities to see this neighborhood for the first time, and then headed out.  This walk was primarily an opportunity to get to know one another, so I did not get a lot of pictures.  This area reminded me of towns along the Front Range in Colorado where a number of new homes would appear next to undeveloped agricultural or industrial land, and

new streets and new homes were in constant construction; where people newly arrived tried to settle into the routines of creating a neighborhood.  

The beautiful weather and quiet streets made for a nice afternoon.  I learned that some of the people living in this neighborhood had been displaced by the floods of 2008.  When their homes along the river were bought out by the city, they relocated here.  I wondered how many people here were long time residents of Mason City, and how many of them were new to the community.  

View Prayer Walk 7 in a larger map

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